So you just finished your Android app. You spent many hours writing code and designing graphics. Maybe you spent a lot of money on a graphic designer and/or coder. Either way, your app looks beautiful and performs well. You deserve to be paid for your work. After all, you’re technically in debt if you count your own hourly rate and actually in debt if you count your graphic design budget. Here’s the story of a naïve developer (me) who thought everybody would want to buy his app. Read more
Tag Archive for Android developer
Make a Free Version of Your Paid App
Category: Lessons Learned |
Tags: advertising, Android developer, Android development, Facebook, free app, paid app, reddit
I’m Going to Start Using This Blog as a Blog
So far, my only posts have been announcements about my new apps. That is boring. I can use Twitter for that (and I do).
Therefore, I am going to start mixing in some posts about my experience as a new Android developer. I figure that there are many people in my position that might be interested in my experience. Plus I think I might be able to save them some time by sharing my mistakes.
So stay tuned for more stories.